Friday 7 August 2015

Request - Sweet Dreams

Yay! Another caption! Nary a day after the last one!

This one's a request from Naotica to make a caption using the picture in the caption. Other than that anything goes sorry, I mean no rules. Not anything goes.

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Harry’s holiday wasn’t going great. He’d gone to a Greek island, in the hopes of soaking up some of the local culture and, of course, ancient mythology. However, it was all a bit.. tourist-y, all 5-star dining and being shepherded onto tour buses and if you’ll look to your left, you’ll see blah blah blah. He wanted to make his own way! He resolved that, tomorrow, he wouldn’t let himself be led by unpassionate tour guides.
As he ate dinner that night in the hotel, he was approached by a small, incredibly old man wearing a heavy pack on his back. “Excuse me, but are you, ah…” he rifled through his pockets until he found a small, white card, which he consulted. “Are you Harry Thomson?”
“Yes…” Harry responded , apprehensively. Who was this guy, and why did he have a card with his name on it?
“Excellent! Now, ah, I’ve been told, by my superiors, that you should have this.” He reached his arm around to the side of his pack, and pulled out a small, silver charm. It resembled a lightning bolt. After giving it to Harry, he told him, “Just put it on your bedside table when you go to sleep tonight.”
Harry examined the charm closely, before looking up and starting, “Thanks, but who--?” But the old man was gone.
Suddenly, Harry realised how tired he was. Leaving what was left of his meal behind, he trudged upstairs to his room. Without thinking, he dropped the charm on his bedside table and collapsed on his bed, still fully clothed. He was asleep instantly.
He had a strange dream. He was floating in a featureless white void. He could move his arms legs, head and everything about, but he couldn’t actually move from the spot. Or maybe he could. Featureless void… would he even be able to tell if he was moving?
Suddenly, a strange feeling ran through his body, concentrating in his torso. He looked down and could’ve sworn it was shrinking. He raised an eyebrow, then remembered he was dreaming! Anything could happen, so he decided to let whatever was going on finish.
There was tickle on his shoulders, and he put a hand there to find that his hair had grown down to reach them. He held a strand in front of his face and saw that it was a pale blonde colour, where it had been brown before. Curious, he ran his hand through his hair, and found that he also had a ponytail now! The strange feeling from before returned now, on his face, and he touched his chin to find soft, smooth skin, not a trace of his carefully-maintained partial beard. “Weird…” he murmured, finding at the same time that his voice had risen to a soprano. His clothes began to shift next. His t-shirt’s sleeves broke off and snakes down his arms, becoming elbow-length gloves, which squeezed tight against his arms, making them short and slender. The shirt shrank off of his shoulders now, becoming strapless and covering up to his chest. It, too, pulled tight, forcing his waist inward, beginning the creation of an hourglass figure. His jeans became the same soft, white material as his former-t-shirt, which it proceeded to merge with, before the legs fused with each other and billowed out, completing the dress. His socks climbed up his legs, slimming his shins and widening his thighs as they became stockings, which created an uncomfortable feeling between his legs. His hips expanded, then, making the dress fit tighter, but not too tight. His butt began pulling itself out, forming itself into a round shapely ass. Harry put his dainty, gloved hands against it and squeezed, prompting a feminine “Mmmm…” as the uncomfortable feeling vanished completely. Realising what this meant, Harry lifted his dress, revealing smooth panties underneath. “Oh… I’m… female… Now I only need… Oh…”
The bit of dress around her chest loosened, allowing two little bumps slowly expand, becoming small, but unmistakable, womanly breasts.
Haruka woke up in completely different surroundings to those she’d gone to sleep in. A handsome man sat in a chair next to her bed. “Ah, you’re awake.” he said, when he noticed her eyes open, in a deep, reassuring voice. “We’ve been waiting for you.”
She rubbed her eyes blearily and yawned before she spoke. “Where am I? I was… in a hotel…”
“Why, you’re on Mount Olympus, of course! Where else would a goddess such as yourself be?”
Haruka let the man’s words sink in.
And fainted.
Harry woke up in his hotel room, wearing the same clothes he’d fallen asleep in, and distinctly male. Strangely, he could remember every aspect of the dream vividly, though he didn’t give it much thought beyond “What a weird dream.” That day was pretty fun - he followed up on the promise he’d made yesterday, to make his own way. He found a number of interesting things off the beaten track, so there was no-one getting in the way every two seconds.
After many hours of hands-on education, he decided it was high time to turn in, and, once again was asleep as soon as he hit the deck.
Then he was in that void again.
The changed started again, but even though he knew what was coming this time, he didn’t want to stop it - this time, it all felt absolutely wonderful, his hair growing down, his hips pulling wide, her chest filling out…
And she was on Mount Olympus.
“Hello again, Haruka.” said the man on the chair.
“Th-this is… Mount Olympus, right?” she asked tentatively, to which the answer was a nod. It was still shocking, but she managed to stay conscious this time. “Why am I here?”
“Because you’re a goddess, of course!” replied the man, amused.
“But… No… I’m not a goddess… I’m just some man…”
“When you’re awake, yeah. But you’re sleeping now. This is a dream. All in your head.”
“So… this isn’t real?”
“Just because it’s in your head doesn’t make it any less real.”
“...That doesn’t make any sense.”
“It does if you know how gods and goddesses work. I don’t think I’ll be able to explain it all now. Just keep that lightning charm nearby when you sleep.”
Over the next few nights, Haruka learned what was going on - she’d been selected to be a new goddess, a goddess of technology, because parts of the world were still governed by the Greek gods, using cloak-and-dagger tactics because no-one really believed in them anymore. Every time Harry fell asleep with the lightning charm nearby, he experienced the transformation into Haruka, and began her duties as a Greek goddess each night...

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see that you're still around doing captions! I kind of forgot about checking back after around 3 weeks with no updates and all. Anyways - pretty good one again. I'm not quite sure where the connection between the picture and using a goddess came from, but as far as I'm concerned it works pretty well here - not to mention that the quality is as high as usual, so I'm glad you got into it again.
