Monday, 20 February 2017

February's Woman

blah blah stuff I can measure viewing metrics better if you have to click onto the post to read this

Fred hated the rain. The way it pelted aggressively from the sky, uncomfortably gluing him and his clothes together, the way it always burst out whenever he least expected it - although, of course, he would probably expect it if he ever bothered to check the weather forecast.
Unfortunately for him, he didn’t, which was what led to him being caught outside, completely unprepared, on a cold February morning, before it was even light out. The rain started in subtle spits, which he barely even noticed, before becoming almost torrential. Fred grumbled loudly and crossed his arms around himself. It was too late to go back now - he was over halfway to the bank; going back home would just keep him out in the rain for even longer. He pulled his (sadly not-waterproof) coat around himself and kept going - when suddenly, that coat dissolved!
“WHAT?” he yelled, shocked, as his day-clothes (formal, even though he wasn’t really going anywhere) were fully exposed to the elements. He started to walk quicker to get out of the rain ASAP (having remembered that one episode of Mythbusters where it turned out that running actually got you more wet) when he noticed something… different about this rain. It felt good, somehow and definitely warmer than normal. He looked up at the sky and saw no clouds. As the rain fell on his face, it began to feel strange - smaller, softer - and rather than dripping through his hair, the rain seemed to pull it out, make it longer, down to the small of his back - and even stranger, part of it was pulled up to the side by a hairband that hadn’t been there before. He wrapped a bit of his newly-extended hair around a finger and giggled, noticing a high-pitched, distinctly feminine alto tone to his voice, when the bit of hair loosened. He looked at his finger and saw that it was slender, and that slenderness was spreading down his arms, all the hair vanishing off of them, as well as part of his sleeves. The rain fell on his shoulders and they collapsed in slightly, bringing his height down a few inches as well. The rain began to trickle down his back and sides, and they pushed in, his spine gaining more of an S-shape, his waist an hourglass, and then his hips started pushing out, further accentuating his new figure. As his hips grew, his trousers shrank, their legs combining and crawling up his legs, eventually taking the shape of a form-fitting skirt.
“Ooh!” yelped Fred, in that alto again, as his butt suddenly swelled up into a cute, sexy ass that he stuck out, giggling again. His shins and feet slimmed down, his shoes shrinking to fit, but not otherwise changing; meanwhile, his thighs began to fatten up slightly, pushing his boxers up off them, momentarily squeezing something between them before it vanished. A cute “Mmm…” slipped from her lips as she enjoyed the smooth feeling between her legs. She began to dance around the empty street when she felt something reach around her shoulders, across her chest, under her shirt, the transparentness of which allowed her to see that it was a lacy black bra, and quite a large one at that. “Yay!” she laughed, “I’m gonna have big boobies!” She had no idea why - the idea had never crossed her mind until now - but for some reason, she loved the idea of being a woman, and a beautiful one at that. And, sure enough, she soon felt something building up in her chest, and before long it began to jiggle as she jumped around, and the more she frolicked, the bigger those two mounds got. She jumped at a lamppost, grabbed it with both hands and began to swing around it, laughing all the while, until she let go with one hand and threw it into the air, exposing her fully-grown, rather large breasts. She jumped down and giggled once more before going to a nearby bench and sitting down.

She sighed happily, enjoying the feeling of the rain gently splashing against her body, running down her beautiful curves. She undid the top two buttons of her shirt, letting water splash against the exposed skin above her breasts. Phoebe loved the rain.

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