Friday 2 October 2015

Happiness 5 - Beach

Hey, just because the last one was late, doesn't mean this one will be!

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Dillon and Isaac stood, waiting, on the beach.
“Any sign of him yet?” asked the latter, who was getting itchy feet. over an hour and a half had passed since Dillon had received the phone call from Taro, asking them to meet him on the beach.
“Nah, not yet.” Dillon responded, sighing and resting his head on Isaac’s shoulder. “His voice sounded a bit off when he called me… maybe he’s sick?”
“Hang on, someone’s coming…” Isaac cut him off, spotting a figure meandering towards them. She was young, pretty, with hip-length blue hair, wearing nothing but a white bra with matching panties. “Excuse me,” he began, “but have you seen a boy anywhere around here? Little shorter than me, dark hair, quite pale?”
“Oh, you mean Taro?” replied the girl, a little too readily.
“That’s the one.” said Dillon, walking over and prodding Isaac’s arm, causing him to scowl and rub it.
“Yeah, he’s around.” grinned the girl. “I’m Tokiyo, by the way.” she went on, reaching up to kiss each boy on the cheek.
“Nice to meet you, Tokiyo, I’m--” started Isaac, before a strange feeling cut him off. “Whoa.”
“What is it?” asked Dillon, before the same feeling hit him, as well. The two boys looked at each other as they realised they were both shrinking. Dillon remained the taller one, but there wasn’t so much in it anymore. The hair on Dillon’s arms receded as they slimmed down, while Isaac’s face began shrinking, his grey-blonde hair growing down to his shoulders. Next he felt his hips and ass expanding to the sides and back, his shorts becoming very tight, now, as Dillon caught up on the facial changes, his hair gaining a slight greenish tint as it grew out. His legs curved, squeezing something between his legs uncomfortably tight. Isaac was in the same boat, but his shorts had  become a pair of purple briefs, then suddenly he wasn’t so uncomfortable anymore, and she blushed as she realised what that meant.
“Dillon… I… I think we…” she said, in a very high-pitched, girly voice.
“I… I know…” responded Dillon, in a slightly deeper, but still very feminine tone. She was  holding up the front part of her new skirt-thing, revealing that her shorts had turned into a very flat-fronted white bikini bottom. Isaac’s arms were becoming hairless and thin while this happened, but she barely noticed.
The two were changing in near-synchronisation, now. Their t-shirts pulled off their backs and bellies, revealing slim new waistlines and smooth stomachs, until they were only on their chests - they were now both wearing bikini tops. “Oh!” yelped Isaac, as her chest suddenly burst out into a pair of small, but unmistakable, breasts, while Dillon was filling out more slowly, moaning in pleasure as her chest gradually pulled its way into a pair of large boobs.
“Tokiyo…” whispered Isaac. “Are you…”
“Yep!” she interrupted, “I’m Taro! Good work figuring that out, Izumi! So how do you feel?” before waiting for an answer, she turned to the other girl and said, “And what about you, Dyla?”
“I… wonderful… but…” she looked over to Izumi, and Izumi looked over to her. “I mean… can we still…?”
Izumi walked towards her, and rapped her knuckles lightly on Dyla’s forehead. “It’s still you up there, isn’t it?”
“Yeah… but…”
“The you’re still the same man I fell in love with. Only, y’know…” she poked her girlfriend’s new assets. “you’re a woman. But hey, so am I!”
Dyla smiled. And the smile turned into a giggle, and the giggle turned into a laugh, and, with surprising strength, she lifted Izumi in the air and spun around before putting her down, and they kissed passionately until, after a few seconds, Tokiyo cleared her throat and they broke off, blushing.
“Y’know, it’s unseasonably warm today… shall we stay on the beach until the party, see if anyone shows up for us to make happy?”
Dyla nodded, and Izumi suddenly yelled, “I call drinks duty!”
Dyla raised an eyebrow. “Hey, since when did you volunteer to do stuff?”
“Well, you know…” said Izumi, smiling mischievously, “shopkeepers need to be happy too…”

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